Sunday, February 6, 2011

Yesterday Chi and I went to the local library. When Chi was a child she went to that library with her mom often and has read most of the children's books there. She recommended a few to me. While I'm here I want to read lots and lots of books in order to become fluent in Japanese.

At 7:00pm Chi's stepdad came over to pick us up and take us to a yakiniku restaurant. There we cooked various meats and vegetables over a grill embedded into the table. It was delicious. Chi's stepdad payed for everything again. This time it was about $385. Japan is so expensive!

After that we went to a small local karaoke bar. It was quite noisy there and most of the people were drunk, but it was fun. Everyone there was friendly and could sing well. When Chi finally sang a song, everyone in the bar started cheering, clapping, and singing along. Chi is a stunning singer. I was amazed. I wish I had taken a video of it.

Today we woke up early to take Chi to a kanji test. Kanji are the picture characters that Japanese use to write. Chi needs to pass this test in order to be able to find a decent job. She was not worried about it though because she knows her kanji very well due to reading lots of books. She studied for it anyways.

After that we went to the library again so I could borrow a few more books.

Tonight me, Chi, and Chi's mom went to a ramen shop for dinner. It was delicious. My 3rd favorite kind. First is the ramen I ate in Osaka last year with Jason. Second is the ramen that I ate at Sapporo station.

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